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You drew your weapon just as the monsters drew near and that’s when you saw her, a woman wearing dark armor. For the first time you felt fear. You saw this woman before, but you can’t remember when and where. You drop your weapon, fear overtaking you and forcing you to the ground. Your captain curses your name as another monster, a snake woman, disarms and restrains him. The battle is over, the war was over, your fate was in the hands of your enemy.

The woman notices you and approaches with caution, her hand still around the hilt of her sword that seemed to be made of the same metal as her armor, but the color gradually become like blood towards the tip of the weapon. You give into fear and cover your eyes and hear her stop moving.

♡YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AomiUchiyama

♡Twitter: https://twitter.com/AomiUchiyama

♡Twitch: https://twitch.tv/AomiUchiyama

♡Discord: https://discord.gg/bSJqeb5pUD

♡Donations: https://paypal.me/aomiuchiyama

♡Script: https://www.reddit.com/user/TheTakenCatking/




This was intense and came across as very earnest and heartfelt. Great acting! It was also super sexy and I had been missing your NSFW work, so thank you for that.


Is it just me, or is she humming the merfolk tune from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?