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Hello! I just want to take the time to say thank you for those who have been supporting me in any way thus far, first and foremost 🖤 The purpose of this announcement is to of course keep you all updated on my content creation and activities elsewhere.

I have to remove a large ovarian cyst that has been growing for the last 4 months. Birth control hasn't stopped or stunted it's growth and it's getting to a point where my stomach is bloated and I'm in pain most of my days. My surgery is on May 3rd and I will be taking a month to myself to heal, HOWEVER, I will still be having audios posted. This means that for the entire month of April and the rest of March, I will be recording double the amount of audios so that I can schedule audios for when I'll be gone.

While you won't feel my absence on YouTube and Patreon in regards to audios, you will feel my absence on my other social media, as of course I will be spending less time on Twitter, being less active in my Discord server, and not making as many community posts on YouTube. I ask that you please bear with me if I get slow with responses or anything of the sort, as I will be VERY busy in the upcoming month and then healing for the month of May.

Thank you for your understanding!

Love Always,




Best of luck, hope everything goes well and safely!


Get well soon. You got this.