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Temp down to 101.2, nose is still super stuffy, I'm vomiting constantly, and I feel like death, BUT I have bills to pay and as you all know this is my only source of income, so whilst I sound like crap, I guess I can do sick gf audios for the time being so I don't lose subs 🙃

Pls bare with me... I know this month my audios have been sparse, but I swear once I'm better, everything will go back to normal!



No worries you got this


Get better!


Glad to hear your better but please dont push yourself for us, speaking strictly for myself I can wait til your right as rain to continue just promise yourself you wont over do it


Take it easy as much as you can. I'm happy to be your patron.

Steven Flippen

Don’t push yourself. Sit back. Relax. Sleep as much as you can. Drink lots of water. We will be right here when you get back.


Rest up and get well soon. While I can't wait to hear you again, your health and recovery are more important.


Oh dear, please don't push yourself. I won't cancel because of a lack of content, and I don't think a lot of others will do either. Get well soon ❤️


Take all the time you need, we’ll be here 👌


I'm not going anywhere take your time. 🤒🥵🥶🤢 Rest up take care of yourself, follow the doctors orders and drink lots of tea w/organic honey. If allowed... Mostly cause it's sweet and tastes good.


I do hope you feel better. Don't stress yourself out while you're sick.


Take your time and return when you're feeling well. Further stress will only worsen sickness. If you feel you have to make something, then keep it easy. I for one, am happy to wait until you are well.


Take your time and be careful


I paid for a whole year so you wont loose me :D

Casey Hengstebeck

Please don't push yourself too hard. We're here and we aren't going anywhere.


Don’t worry about it I’m not going anywhere. You are so talented and I would much rather wait for you to get better then for you to rush. So if you don’t make any new content for the next month or so that way more then fine. I’m not going anywhere I promise, we all care about you so get well first is second. P.S I appreciate everything that you do it really means the world


Don't worry but the only reason I'm stopping is because I need the money for other things now so sorry


what everyone said.... I'm here too

chris mann

Again!? God poor girl


You have had some of the worst luck. I'm so sorry. I really am. Covid twice? You poor thing! Hang in there.