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This is also why I didn't post today. I'm disgusted in this. Racism is in NO way okay and if you still choose to believe it is, keep that shit to yourself.

How do you hate a race based off the color of their skin and then proceed to threaten to wish death on a BABY and threaten rape AND murder? You're a million times worse.

I'm disappointed. So very disappointed.

I LOVE MY VERY BLACK, VERY KIND, VERY HANDSOME BOYFRIEND. I LOVE BEING A PERSON OF COLOR. If my black boyfriend or my Japanese-Puerto Rican nationalities offend you, kindly disappear. You're not welcome here.




Holy shit! what hell was wrong with that guy , hope you ok thank you for all your work


I can’t even begin to express how disgusted and offended I am on your behalf. That is truly vile and reprehensible on all levels (and illegal threats on others). It is awful this kind of person is out there and I am so sorry you found some among your supporters. Truly awful. I am so, so, sorry. No one deserves that. For any reason.

Ryan Bramblett

Every time I think I have found some inkling of faith in humanity, along comes some asshole on the internet to ruin it. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I honestly didn't care one way or the other if you made a real life sex tape, but now I kind of want you to. Just to spite this douchebag.

Dean Winchester

I wouldn't have censored his name/pic, let the world see the person who would send something like that smh :(


Proufoundly disgusting and physically sickening. Sorry you have to deal with this kind of disgusting behaviour


I'm so sorry. You are a kind soul and do not deserve that. I want to put that bastard through a house. What an awful, evil man.


dude probably thought it was funny and proceeded to say that shit. people like this shouldn’t exist

Prof. Walker

As a Black man, I say, fuck that jealous, racist piece of shit. Just mad he doesn't have anyone and it clearly shows why.


I am so sorry that someone like that was a subscriber. That shit is disturbing and I hope they get what’s coming to them.


As a Cuban and Japanese man I say he can eat shit and die. People don't deserve mistreatment just because we look different, we all bleed the same shade. This shitbag is a perfect example of why condoms exsist. I hope your boyfriend and you had a better day after this, sorry people are shit


Really sad to see people like this. I'm sorry anyone has the nerve to say awful shit like that.


The fucking nerve of that guy, fucking hell


What the FUCK I can’t believe that bastard.


I honestly think that racism is just stupid and makes no sense like at all. The only barriers that exist are the one's we make for believing that kind of shit. I hope you two feel better about yourself's soon


stuff like this makes me want to break the nose of the person who said it


God damn, guess that person has been reduced to atoms.


Every time i start thinking that humanity is not a lost hope, something like that show up to prove me wrong -_-

Androo Gnoix

I think you could encounter the opposite problem of people objectifying his big genitals also. Remember I said I objectifying voices only is preferred lol.also I'm Hmong and the term person of color is insensitive itself. We shouldn't center around white people. We shouldn't single them out.

Clint Barke

All my life, I have been so God damn sick and tired of people like this mother raping piece of shit giving White people like me a bad name. It really hurts to see this happen to you and your boyfriend.

Androo Gnoix

Also if this tape thing fails just make commissions


That little bitch wouldn’t last in my area.


There goes the stereotype about black men and big genitals, lul. Yes, my bf has a big dick, but not because he's black, it's not a race thing. I'm really not sure how that related to someone saying what they did, and no: I wouldn't have a problem with people commenting on my boyfriend's genitals, we're secure in our relationship and mature and we've done sex work before, so thankfully I can handle it. The term person of color is not offensive to me, it's something I take pride in, as unfortunately racist white people have singled themselves out for generations, this is what we've done. In reality, race is a social construct, in reality every human is 99% genetically alike the next human. But we take pride in stating our races still. Which is why I don't mind the term POC :)


I feel so sorry...


Love and support from the UK, always be proud of who you are and never let anyone make you feel ashamed of being you of for loving who you love


I’m confused. How would this man child even know what he looks like?


Not only did he wish death on a baby, he also threatened to murder and rape.... Bro how bad is your life for you to sit/lay down to type that to someone? I hope that your doing okay and I'm sorry that someone did that to you.


I am so sorry you received a message like that. I hate those vile and disgusting words. I am glad you have a loving and supportive partner. I worry about people of color I know friends and family and what they have to worry about. All my best wishes respectfully. J.


On my last post with the poll, I had posted an nsfw picture of me riding my boyfriend as a preview of the tapes.


that's a yikes but don't let it get to you, this is the internet and this was bound to happen sooner or later. either ways you should call him out, these kind of people should be exposed for their racism


It's 2021, thousands upon thousands of years after humanity has started walking this Earth, setting up civilization and society, and still this kind of hatred exists... it confuses and confounds me.


I dont get or never will understand how some small-minded inbreaded person thinks we care about what they think just because they have a moment of self importance and delusions of grandeur. they need help!!!


Sadly, there will always be knuckle dragging, Cro-Magnon rednecks out there who like to talk tough when they’re behind a computer. You can’t outlaw ignorance or a low IQ. Regardless if I knew who this was and I were you I would prosecute or at least give over to the authorities. This is not protected speech. It’s black and yellow bile being spewed by a coward who probably couldn’t scrape up enough loose change off the streets to buy a bottle of cheap wine. So he’s taking it out the only way he knows town, like a coward trying to sound tough. You know I’ve got your back and so does everybody else


No, Hit someone like this in the head it might actually make them smarter. Their IQ can’t go any lower. They’re like zombies. You have to destroy the brain

Merciless Newt

I never understood how someone could hate someone based off of how they were born or who they love... Assholes like this just show how less of a human being, and how much of a disgusting monster they really are.


im sorry to hear that this happened to you

UNSC Saratoga

Nobody should suffer racist abuse, no matter the color of their skin. This is twisted.

3: 30AM

That's a YIKES from me home slice.


What the actual fuck? Like, seriously, what the Actual. Fuck?! I just see people as people, and in general I dislike 98% of humanity, but I still try to treat everyone with respect. Whomever posted this? They ain't people. Just saying... I'm sorry you had to deal with this.


It pains me to see that this level of ignorance is still very much alive in this day and age.


sorry to see this happened, I hope you stay safe...


Fucking hell... Never got the chance to see the picture but I'm sure it was great 😎👍


HOLY SHIT! what the fuck is wrong with some people.

Crimson Legion

i am yet again reminded of how much i can hate some people via text alone

Davin Long

I'm happy that you embrace how much you love your boyfriend, I hope you have a nice day!


I hate people like that. You should've left his information public so others could dox the shit out of him. I wish you and your bf the best.


What the fuck


Well this is a ticket straight to Hell
