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The 3D animations never get much love, so I wanted to know if you all wanted me to continue posting them once I start posting again starting Monday.

Please only vote once, of course.



Only saying no becos of personal preference but always do whats best for u ❤


I don't mind them, sometimes they make good reference for posing or inspiration.

Oliver Nilsson

I dont mind them, If you like doing them go for it.


They're very cool :) I'd like to see you continue. You're doing great

Steven Gonzalez

I’m always on board for animations and audios!👍


I think I'm of the mind that maybe mix a bit of the audio with the animations. I've watched them and they're cool, but I feel like exposition outside of someone getting their gag reflex tested or dicked down would make them better. Just my two cents of constructive criticism. That aside, I voted to continue!


Focus on the audio first if you can do the animations great. But get the audio stuff done first and foremost because that’s what is the real attraction. At least for me. Go whatever direction you want though. I’ll figure out what to do

Amygdala god of fear

To be honest I like the animations more. Tests your animating and voice.