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Hello everyone🤍

I'm alive, but unfortunately am still in the hospital, as my fever still hasn't gone down and my symptoms have persisted. I feel horrible. I'd like to say thank you to those who've been supportive whilst I've been gone with COVID-19. I love you all💖

I'm not sure when I'll be home or when I'll be feeling better, but hopefully there'll be an end to feeling like this soon, as it is truly God awful. Even though I'm vaccinated, I am still immunocompromised and the chances of me getting it were higher than normal.

Many of you know my mother, cousin, and teen sister got it a week before me, so I took in my baby sister. My baby sister, though she tested negative, passed the virus onto myself and my boyfriend, as we live together. She has since gone home and my boyfriend is quarantined.

I hope that answers a few questions you may have been asking, as I know my radio silence may be alarming. I'm simply trying to recover without the pressure of any added variables like social media, content creation, scheduling, etc.

I'm overwhelmed, as I've lost over 50% of my patrons and therefore half of my income, not to mention I won't be able to generate any without creating content. I'm already stressed enough about how I'm going to afford bills. So please keep that in mind before asking when I'll be returning, what I'll be doing, and trying to ping me or message me on discord. I'm sick in a hospital bed. My first concern is getting better. Second is keeping a roof over my head. Everything else comes after. Thank you.

Get vaccinated. Social Distance. Keep yourselves safe. This is no joke or conspiracy theory, it's so very real and people are losing their lives. Don't be ignorant. If the vaccine is available to you, get it.



We love you Aomi, get well soon <3 We’ll be waiting for you with our arms open


My god feel better soon . Kinda disappointed that the people would just leave like that


Don't worry take as much time you need we aren't going anywhere. Love you very much and we'll awaiting your return 👍


Yes take as much time as you need. I for one will not leave


Stay strong <3


Get better soon Aomi


Love you aomi, get well soon


I'm not gonna leave Aomi don't worry, get well soon




We understand 😊👍


Hey it is understandable. Life throws us curveballs all the time we just need to get back up and keep moving forward. Hope you get better here soon but don't push yourself to much too quickly.


Wish you all the best Aomi, this is awful to hear and I'm moreso concerned about your situation than the content you're pumping out. Take all the time you need and please get better soon, we love ya.


I'm wishing you the very best. I'm not going anywhere. I hope you catch a break soon.


Look after yourself before us all pls we can wait <3