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Today marks the start of a new month. As those of you who follow me on twitter or are in the discord server know, I was raped a week ago... I've been away trying to cope and find myself not coping, but simply ignoring the problem.

I promise I'm now trying to heal so that I can go back to doing what I love for you all ❤️

Expect amazing things this month, I have so many raunchy and downright sexy scripts ready to record, BE READY😘



We are here for you

Peachy The Plump

I did not know im sorry to hear about this i know i cannot do anything but know that i am here for you even though im just a random person on the internet


I'm so sorry I hope this new months better


I did not know that, I'm so sorry. I hope you are able to heal quickly and successfully.


Actually speechless if there's anything you need you can come to any of us I have my own experience with the same situation so if you need help coping just dm or something and we can talk in discord <4 hope you're doing good

Josh B

Jesus christ, the community is here to support you. Definitely take your time to heal, we love seeing you at your best, but we are here for you at your worst as well


I am so sorry I didn’t hear of this sooner! I wish healing and prosperity on you and if you need me to absolutely deck his ass, lmk!


New to the Patreon. Have been going through the old audios and have just reached this post. I hope you are doing better now than you were then.