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Hey everyone <3 As some of you may have noticed, I was nuked from YouTube today and completely devastated by it, BUT I have appealed and hopefully they will allow me back on my platform, cause it will truly hurt to lose all 9 thousand of you beautiful people for no reason. Should they not accept my appeal, I have made another channel that can be found in the link below~



Bardrick Falero

My condolences to the og channel


Already resubscribed to new channel as soon as I noticed. You're too good at making content to lose! Just know even if you don't get your original channel back we will follow you to the new one!


It's a shame YouTube is how it is :(


I'd recommend rethinking what you put on YouTube Teacupaudio (wholesome AF) was nuke for just liking her NSFW Patreon. All so according to YouTubes guide lines just linking to to another site with NSFW content is grounds for immediate termination.


Yeah like Naked Yoga like fuck there spreading themselves for the fucking thumbnail.


This feels like YouTube is fucking around with power


I think YouTube has a personal hatred for audio roleplays, because that's the only group they pick on. They even leave the sound only ASMRs alone.