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A cute little Skeb art commission done by Kadiriski on Twitter! 

I had a new audio release planned for today, but there is currently a storm going over where I live, and the noise didn't allow me to finish recording yet, sadly. So the audio is pushed back till tomorrow. I hope this artwork makes up for it just a little bit :3. Tomorrow's release will be different from the audio paired with this little sketch, but that one is coming out soon as well!

cuddles & kisses x 




Great looking art! Really stoked to see the rest πŸ’›

Lilian 726

Not me checking every 5 mins to see if the audio paired with this has popped up yet. Excuse my impatience but πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ (do take your time though, I can wait really HA)