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 {Audio contains 2separatee versions: one with the classic robotic Android voice and another one with a normal voice.  Feel free to listen to whatever you like best :3 The Normal voice version starts around 30:30 ^w^ } 

(before this story, in part 1, you gave your boyfriend a chip that allows him to experience human pleasure and lust. you also taught him how to pleasure himself.)

In the midst of taking your usual shower together, your sweet boydroid boyfriend starts opening up about some changes he's feeling inside his body. Ever since you installed a new "enhancer Chip" after the success of the pleasure chip, He's been having uncontrolled sexual thoughts. He gets h*rd from the slightest touch, feels the need to touch himself multiple times a day, and struggles to control himself around you. He's afraid that he might hurt you sexually eventually if this continues. Maybe ordering software from sketchy sites wasn't such a good idea... But secretly, you wouldn't mind him holding you down and doing whatever he wants with you~ 

After experiencing glitches in the shower, your boyfriend decides it may be time for bed. you lay down and snuggle into his arms... until you feel his hard d*ck pressing against you from behind. The grinding and pressing get more and more forceful until he finally snaps and lets his Primal sex drive take control~ 





An hour? Now you're just spoiling us.


Oh my god, I don't thinking losing virginity is too high a price to be railed by that very proficient android. I'd play right into his glitched programming just for fun. And then I'd have my revenge once his code is debugged.