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Dear Lions, 

Please read this message carefully. It informs you about changes to the way I do personal audios in the future.

End of tier linked commissions

From October 1st, I will end the offer of Personal audio commissions through lions or any other tiers on Patreon. Here are a few reasons why:

-As you may have noticed, times between giving me your audio ideas and me actually delivering the audio have become noticeably longer. My personal life has been holding me back a bit and so, I can't guarantee speedy services anymore sadly.

  -The quality and time I put into every audio I made has been vastly improved over the 1.5 years I've been making them. I can't pump out works as fast as I used to because of this.

-some of you leave month's spots empty sometimes and that way you don't actually get all your money's worth of content. Also, the length of the commissions can vary heavily from idea to idea. I'm afraid that this naturally results in some people getting more for their support and some a little less.. a base price for every audio doesn't work that well if you think about it.. 

-Some months in my schedule are overfilled, others a bit more empty. I'd rather be able to decide if I can handle some extra work from week to week.

-Finding the balance between publishing public audios, private commissions, and tier exclusives has become tricky...

What happens now? (October 1)

As of October 1, the Lion's tier will still exist, but I won't be offering personal audios any longer. The reason the tier will still exist is because I don't wish to kick anyone off, but rather give You the chance to end their pledge on their own, or downgrade to the Cats, tigers, or leopards tier. 

I don't encourage this, because the lion tier at that point will offer the same as the leopards tier. (2 exclusives, and all other works) if you would like to continue your pledge to the tier, it would be as an extra way of supporting me, which is of course insanely generous and appreciated, although I feel somewhat bad that there won't be any benefits.. so the choice is up to you. I will delete the tier for good at a point in the coming months.

What about the requests you already made, Year-long payment, still owe you a few audios, commissions still being worked on

First of all, every single audio idea you have already shared with me is still being worked on. Even the ones in some cases from months ago. I will continue to work on the commissions you have already requested and deliver them through email once finished. 

If you have yet to request ideas, you can do that for the month of August and September. If for example, you have unrequested months before that (june, may) I will have to decline, just as it says in the description of the tier you saw when you joined. 

If you paid for a whole year worth of Lions tier: (I think there are 3 of you guys)

I will continue to make personal monthly audios for you for as long as you have paid for. For example, if you joined in March 2022,3 I will continue to create for you free of additional payments until March 2023. This will happen through the new commission system.

The New Commission System

I will still offer personal audios, but not through Patreon tiers. Instead, I will take commissions individually, when I have free slots. You will be able to contact me through either Patreon messages, Twitter direct messages, or Instagram. After you reach out, we will discuss the idea and find a suitable price together :3. Prices of the new commissions will vary. There will be a set starting fee, and above that the price will depend on whether the audio is simple, wholesome, lightly NSFW, heavily NSFW, involves long scriptwork, extra background sounds, intense voice work (deeper voice, moans) and in some cases, if there are multiple speaking characters. I think this is a super fair system, because you would pay exactly for what you want. And if money is a bit tight, I can help find solutions to keep the price down as much as possible ^w^ 

More information about the new way of commissioning will follow shortly on my Patreon Page. 

A Short thank you for your support

I would like to tell you that I have enjoyed every minute I spend on creating personal audios for you guys. I want to thank you for the continued faith in me and the many adventurous requests :3 I have had a blast with almost every single one when bringing them to life! I have gotten to know you guys through your ideas, figured out what you do and don't like, and seen your tastes evolve hehe. Thanks for believing in me and supporting me up until this point  💛

I don't like making these long informative messages at all.. but it's very necessary of course! I usually keep things very lighthearted and personal but it's important that the info is clear~ 

If there are any questions, feel free to send me a message, I will try and answer them as soon as possible!


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