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The time has come to submit your roleplay ideas in the comments of this post. I will select one, or multiple even if I can, combine them and make them into a brand new Leopard Tier exclusive for you guys💛

Good luck! And don’t hold back on the more “creative” ideas!!

For inspiration, you can always check the other comments or look at certain kinks/fantasies you have and wish for me to bring to life.



Can we get more pirate or fantasy themes? I loved the tavern boy audio you made a while back, and the atmosphere of pirates is super spicy 😳


now this isn't very um strict but more of in general some thematics/specifics(ig?). Oral fixation, breath control (or more the lack of it really) ps. sorry for having the same here🤐🤐


maybe something like a superhero bf who has powers that can be used in a spicy way like self duplication or stretch powers or somethings else


I just need somethin spicy but anything with vibrators are great 😉


interrogation… with the person being tied up hehe


A small incubus that tries to power bottom one but gets overwhelmed and shown his place. Deeply getting ingrained to become the perfect cumdump which he was born for. He just did not find a human with enough enduranve until now.


Maybe a combination of bondage and vibrators? With either a bottom POV with a gentle, almost service top boyfriend who has a lot of petnames and praises to give (leaning a lot into praise kink for a change,) or top POV where you get to go wild on your boyfriend as a reward~. That also allows mixing in something more extreme toys, like sounding :D


I'm feeling the fantasy vibes someone else was saying. Maybe something dnd themed? Here's what I'm thinking. Two adventures are doing a dungeon delve quest, where they've been asked to slay the horrible monster at the dungeons end! Upon reaching this creature lair, the exits are blocked, and a strange mist is starting to fill the room. Finally the creature reveals themselves to be a.... Idk, incubus? Maybe a tentacle monster? Hell, I think even a particularly horny slime could do. Either way the adventure ends with one or both of our heros falling pray to the lustful creature!


Taking in other patron suggestions, I would love to hear about role-play about two lovers, where they knew each other before but one suffers from amnesia due to maybe some magic, and it's up to the other partt of the pair to stimulate thee memories to return, you know to get past the influence of magic. I had a feeling for more of an edging/climax denial situation- where it's always coming close- maybe even aa cliffhanger to finish in the next video sorta thing. I like to bee surprised so I think the best experience would be to lose your memory but now suddenly there's this person who knows all of ur soft spots that, because u forgot, don't remember. This would work well with vibratory, exploration and deep dislogue, last, passion and mystery.

Uchiha Mike

Its the birthday or a room mate and he gets fucked or let him fuck as a present

Lisa Jean

It can be a story about a boy get fuck by his partner and calling him daddy due to the process


The listener has an older brother that mercilessly bullies him, so he buys a love potion and sneaks it into his older brothers drink, hoping to stop the bullying. The listener accidentally gives too much however, causing the love potion to double as a lust potion, making the older brother unbearably horny and he ends up fucking the listener raw hard and rough while constantly saying how much he loves his him. ❤


More female stuff please, especially praise kinks, maybe some alpha omega for the girls :)))


I'm adding pred/prey over here too bc that guy knew what was up. And also because you have the cutest voice and imagining you as a scary predator is cracking me tf up


Kitten as the nickname for the listener pls


Primal - us lost in the forest and a leopard finds them


Or another kind of beast. Werewolves are a classic


M4M The listener has been offered as a sacrifice to a God of Fertility, let’s call him Fayer, for the local crops to grow. But it’s not the kind of sacrifice everyone thinks it is, Fayer fucks the shit out of the listener with his massive Godly cock and fills the listener with so much cum that it pours out onto the ground around the listener creating a huge thick cum puddle. As a reward for being such a good sacrifice the listener is stroked off by Fayer using some cum from the huge puddle he’s laying in. Fayer, the God of fertility then allows the listener to become one of his many husbands.


I'd love more omega listener audios


Seconding the fantasy ideas, especially the succubus/tentacle/slime monster themes. Bonus points if you include slimy sfx for the latter two.