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Hey everyone, so I've been feeling really bad since I got my booster vaccine yesterday. Also moving out has been taking a huge toll on me. I know I promised to release the leopard and tiger tier exclusive today but it just didn't work out to record. The scripts however are written completely and I'm super excited to share the actual audios with you soon😌

Tiger tier audio will be about a femboy price meeting his secret lover, who's also a prince on a romantic spot✨ things get spicy and take a surprise turn when it turns out that one is more submissive than he seems.. 

Leopard tier audio will be about an excited young scientist that created the perfect artificial lover for clients to enjoy, but things take a turn when his creation dominates his way into breeding & pounding him instead~

As for the cats tier, you guys won't be left in the cold! I plan to release a new and exciting audio for you to explore as well :3

Thank you all for you patience! 

Lots of love 💛



Get well soon Kodah! we appreciate your hard work go and rest well buddy<3


Hope you feel better darling ❤️❤️ take it easy ☺️☺️


Your health is more important than everything, take good care of you 🥰


Take all the time you need your health is way more important. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Stay hydrated love


All Love BOO Take care of your health we'll still be here when you're better 😘😘


Take all the time you need! Rest up and stay hydrated!! 💛💛💛 🥣💤🥤

Sir Ironhead

Hope you well soon take care of yourself ❤❤


Get well soon! ❤️


This proofs that I have the best fanbase ever❤️ thanks for all the wishes and I promise I'll be a productive boyo soon again


I got mine from a coffee shop where we showed up too early, had to wait two hours and then I had to hear these three white girls gossip…like I could’ve used those hours

Isabella Rangel

Just make sure you rest up and take care of yourself, your health is more important than our horniness❤


Get Well soon 💛 take care of yourself


Fret not! Everything will be better soon and you're doing just fine!


Hope you can get some proper rest soon~ please make sure to rest lots Kodah


Bruh if that turns out to be a dom femboy I will up my pledge so fast 😂


stay healthy and get lots of sleep!!!!


Rest well, eat well and keep hyrdrated!

fran darling

Take your time dude. Rest up and put yourself first 😁


Holy fucking shit guess I gotta up my tier to leopard

MATT-AT 3000 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-06 19:43:34 I felt like death when I got my first jab, was like man flu times 100 & I can feel your pain. I hope that everything else for you calms down & falls into place bud as you seem real excited & so are we, so rest up as you deserve it.
2022-02-05 03:44:30 I felt like death when I got my first jab, was like man flu times 100 & I can feel your pain. I hope that everything else for you calms down & falls into place bud as you seem real excited & so are we, so rest up as you deserve it.

I felt like death when I got my first jab, was like man flu times 100 & I can feel your pain. I hope that everything else for you calms down & falls into place bud as you seem real excited & so are we, so rest up as you deserve it.