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Lady’s, gentlemen and precious they’s of the Tiger and Lion tier... The time has come again to submit your roleplay ideas in the comments of this post. I will select one or multiple even if I can combine them and make them into a tier exclusive for you guys💛

Good luck! And don’t hold back on the more “creative” ideas 😉

For inspiration you can always check the other comments or look at certain kinks you have and wish for me to bring to life



Honestly, I'd like a more wholesome video, something with rain/thunder in the background. Maybe something about being afraid of failure. I'm good with just about anything you put out, though, but that's just my two cents ^^ good luck!

Theo Valentine

listener is abducted by aliens and tested/experimented on, with like gentle medical kink


The phone thing was so hot I’d love a follow-up to that with instructions and all this kinda stuff! Other themes I would really like you to go into are: Exhibitionnism! Edging ! Or Even… Tentacles!


A ten-chapter long femboy mafia story


A cute snuggles audio, perhaps snuggling with one of the neko boys while reading a book on a rainy day?


a snuggle video that is birthday themed 🥳🎉 maybe? Idk I'm liking snuggle videos lately


Snuggling with rain in the background would be cool


First time toping a cute softboy boyfriend (and getting rough with him)


I'm already on it ^^! was planning to make that anyways so you have another shot at giving another idea :3


Vampire ( top ) makes vampire hunter in to his little pet (a bottom and anyone versions )very x rated with very a loud ,bottom and a mean and aggressive top . Being tide up, choked and rough sex . I also love for the vampire to be very possessive and jealous ready to kill anyone over me . 🤗 hopefully that’s wasn’t too much I tried to be very “detailed “ love you btw


Maybe yandere?

Gautier Knight

Two ideas so take your pick! M4M: one guy tries to top his lover, but his dick is just waaay too big for their first time and it hurts the smaller guy. 🥺😭 So ofc, sweet Large Dong says it's okay, we can stop here. I'm glad I could just be close to you darling. ...but then Tight Booty gets an idea. Why don't I top you instead? Large Dong is 1000% on board since it means they can still be intimate together. He doesn't care who tops really, just wants to be connected to his love 😭🙏

Gautier Knight

Idea two! M4A: the listener is intensely shy about their body and is having a hard time getting into any sexual mood. They don't think they look good enough. (Too fat, too skinny -- that part is left in the air.) It's up to Kodah to reassure the listener that yes, the listener IS fucking attractive and does everything they can to prove it to them during sexytimes. EXAMPLE: These large nipples give me sooo much to suckle on. I love that! Or... Your tiny body makes it easier for me to lift you and... whoop! I can position you anywhere I like. As long as it circles back to these things being attractive to Kodah's character Thank u for coming to my Ted talk 🥺

Cyber Wolf [Team Shadow Studios]

A sub tries to care for the listener while they go through some depression/anxiety and it ends with things getting a lil spicy


A dom catboy notices that the listener has been having a difficult time sleeping so he offers to help by spooning his master and reaching around and jerks his master off and licks his masters neck. It’s just a quickie though and after his master cums he spends the longer portion of the video purring in his masters ears and whispering things like “it’s ok master, go to sleep” and stuff like that. He also rubs his master’s chest and continues whispering and purring in his masters ears until his master falls asleep.


Ooh and maybe add some cozy sounds like rain or a candle or something.


Just take one of these requests and make it polyamorous, but don't make it just for girls maybe like a m4a please


Being called big boy


You ever thought about doing one when the bratty sub gets punished for “talking back “ 😩


Not sure if you’ve already decided, but I would like to see some more praise stuff, I really like it when you say I’m a “good boy” mostly because it feels like someone in my life really values me.