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Hey there friends,

In order to keep making quality personal audio requests for you monthly, I will need to change things up a bit. This is a hard decision for me to make, as I hate disappointing people...

From now on your subscription to this tier will cost you 50$ a month and there will only be 25 spots available for now...

I made this decision because I don't want to feel overwhelmed and to keep doing this with love and passion.

The new pricing might be a bummer for some of you and I'm so sorry for that... But I spend a  huge amount of time writing individual scripts, voicing the roleplay/ story, and editing the audio to perfection. I hope nobody is offended by this change, but I believe that this is the way to move forward.

If you'd like to keep requesting monthly personal audios, I will welcome you with open arms and my whole heart 💛to the "Lions🦁" tier

lots of love,

Kodah x

(oh and those of you who just joined and haven't received their April audio yet, you will of course still receive it for the price that you paid so don't worry ^^)

The current 35 dollar tier will be deleted on April 30



Everyone should understand since you give us amazing content. Don't worry, you'll still have loads of supporters no matter what ❤


I’ll always support you and your talents no matter what changes may come.

Michael J Mancuso

Same here I hit that lion tier right away im not missing out on the personals they are just divine