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Hey everyone..

unfortunately, when people decide to leave my patreon they say that the reason they stop supporting me is that I’m not delivering on my content.

It makes me a little sad 😔 and confused because I always try to give you guys as much as possible..

I post new videos each week (often different versions) to give you as much as possible in return for your support and will continue to do so! But I was wondering if you think that I could do something more or different? I’m just trying to understand what I’m doing wrong and I’d love to hear your feedback and honest criticism...


Gautier Knight

In my opinion, I actually think you provide a lot of great content and frequently enough! I always get happy when I see your patreon notification pop up on my phone. 🌟


Don't mind them. You upload plenty of top quality content at very regular intervals.👍 Your doing a great job. Don't let it get you down.


I am happy with what you are doing so far! I am trying to put myself in their shoes and maybe they thought there will be a lot of videos that you couldn't get in YouTube? 🤔


I mean personally I'm definitely getting the content that I expected when I decided to pledge, but if I had to guess then maybe there's people who're expecting some fully patreon exclusive audios instead of just the extended videos from youtube?? Can't say I agree with the sentiment, but it's genuinely the only thing I can think of..


I am quite happy with what i am getting since there is always a m4m version which not many creators seem to always have. Even if i am a subby boy i still like the "bottom" audios, even if that doesnt quite suite me i still like them. ☺️Ty for the content


Yeah, well I’ve always held myself back from making new exclusive stories and roleplays for patreon that wouldn’t have at least a short version on youtube because I don’t want to force people to get patreon to listen to all of my roleplays... But I guess that I’m at a point now where it would be a wise decision to do that


I literally cannot understand what they would be talking about since I’m getting exactly what I expected 🤔 You’re doing amazing stuff here, Kodah and really providing the most for your content and it shows! Your audios are so amazing 🥺💛

Nightmare Wolf

Everythang i can think on why people are leaving has alredy bern said. I apso agree that having a few member only content might not only help you get new cerious members but might help keep interest of ones you have. It would make them feel like it's more worth being a member since they can get content others can't. Like perhaps do a extra long recording if something that can be for members only and keep the usual story's how you always do?


If you're looking purely for patron retention then more exclusive videos might be a good idea, but I think you're doing fine as-is. People who leave the pateon are probably still active viewers who just didn't feel that monetary support was worth it to them for the extras here while many of your longer standing patrons are here to support you as a creator for the videos you make both for here and on YT. The only other thing I can think of is that they're looking for even *more* explicitly lewd audio or sex scenes w/ effects in audios.


You're doing great. No need to stress.

The Felicity of Fate

Pretty sure that's usually the first option when you cancel a patreon membership. People tap that so then don't have to scroll down and give an actual reason for cancelling the membership. 😐 I think you're doing great.

Kelly Chant

I love your content get what I expect and always look forward to your next audio! You doing great 😊


YOU ARE DOING AMAZING!!!!❤️ we love All of ur content!


You create very good content and I can't understand why somebody would say something like that. Don't mind them to much. 🤗 There are many people here that enjoy your content. Carry on, we're looking forward to your next audios.


I already think you're doing amazing! You can't please everyone so try not to beat yourself up about the critics. Most of us love your work and the dedication you put into it.


You're a gosh darn champion, Cozy! What you do is worth supporting in our eyes and we love what you do.

Tyler King

In my honest opinion I don't think you should change you're really good at what you do and i support ya😊 you cant please everyone


You are doing great! You are just starting up and there will be a learning curve. You have been making great stuff and I'm impressed with the amount you put out right now. Don't feel too bad about the ones that leave. Some people are all about instant gratification.


Honestly your contents great Kodah, its really pleasing. It might just be some picky people who were expecting more but overall your doing great man keep it up


I think your content is great ^_^ I'd guess the people who leave are just spoiled by other creators who've been on patreon for years so they can just binge 200+ posts


The only reason I'd stop is if I ran out of money to spend. And the second I get more, I'm freaking throwing it at you damn it!


The reason could be a lot simpler than you think - People cba to read the options, or there's not an option that suits them, so they just select that one!