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Hey guys!

Here's the alpha for V.50.

Currently includes:

-1 new Neil scene, anal sex into AV

-New character Brad, with anal sex/CV choose scene

-New character Zark, with CV witnessing scene

As well as a lot of behind-the-scenes tuneups.

Rokanoss and one more Horse scene are planned to round out V.50.  Look for it hopefully sometime next week!

Thanks guys.


Jesse Aldridge

Oddly enough, I can't seem to find Brad. Zark's note "can't be given" to Selicia, so I'm unsure on that part. Rech does the same dialogue if you talk to him in the lobby, which threw me a bit off htere. Still enjoying the game, just feel like some of these things might be broken?


Brad is in the showers, which you have to unlock by getting 5 tokens. You have to manually type out "give Note to Selicia" because Quest is broken. Rech hasn't changed.