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My friends!

We are going to record a couple S&W/Q&A episodes tomorrow. We will answer as many of your questions as possible, so please include them in the comments. 

Thank you so much for supporting the show!




First off, whole TBS crew is absolutely steaming. Breakneck speed. Year over year you find new gears and explore new interests and expand TBS brand - hawk, friends, marvel and my fav egg foo what?! Tom, velvet; I get it but you ‘get it’. Who are what was your access points ? And same for Jon…(intimidates me beyond words yet seems approachable ?) where does he rank tucker vs yule ? Xo

Mike Herndon

I once convinced a bunch of friends to attend a King Tuff concert with me. Nobody but myself was familiar with his music and I made the mistake of only playing songs off his first three albums for my friends in preparation for the show. He had just released The Other and his sound and persona had veered pretty far from the party animal he was on those first three albums. I felt like I had tricked my friends and had a strange urge to apologize for a performance I had nothing to do with. Can either of you think of times you brought someone to a performance and felt that strange sense of responsibility when it didn’t turn out how you thought it would? Additionally are there any artists you saw live but missed the window you enjoyed the most?