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THE HORSEMEN RETURN! The Topic: PUBLIC BATHROOMS! Tom, Jason, Mike and Pat venture into a whole new, somewhat disgusting world with this episode. This could easily be the most informative episode of The Four Horsemen EVER. You'll never look at a transit schedule the same way again.



Jon-Erik Means

My mom works at a library and I can assure you that patrons often rip it up in those stalls (and on the walls) so not as clean as you might think. The majority of her work horror stories have to do with terlets.

Stephen Cooke

Oh yeah, our local portapotty company is called "Royal Flush". Although there's nothing terribly regal (or flushing) about their moveable commodes.


"often rip it up on the stalls and walls" WTF? who the hell is going to the bathroom in there, chimpanzees?