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You want a jam packed show? THIS IS IT. Featuring the hilarious CARL TART in studio! Hear Tom quiz Carl on his long running showbiz accolades and more! SEAN CLEMENTS of Hollywood Handbook swings by! Cartoonist NATHAN GELGUD reveals the long awaited (written on air) illustrated children's book MY PET FLY! Tom gets a call from DOWNTOWN DONNIE DEE OF THE BAND WET CHERRY!  Plus, calls on the topic: HELP ME IDENTIFY THAT SONG/MOVIE/SHOW! (I told you it was huge!)


Anthony O.

Nathan Gelgud is the new Spike

Jon-Erik Means

Think the shower movie the last caller mentioned is maybe This House Possessed? ‘81 movie. Has a scene where a woman is trapped in her shower which starts spraying blood and she sinks to the floor. On youtube, scene about 50 minutes in.