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Welcome to SO FAR, a Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young podcast hosted by Tom Scharpling, AP Mike Lisk, Pat Byrne and Jason Gore!

SO FAR is limited podcast in which we'll take a year by year look at all of the works of CSNY, together and apart.

In this episode, SLBG gives you a breakdown of the years 1981, 1982 and 1983.



Thomas Minarchick Jr

Paul Bliss was a popular sex worker/session musician in the late 70’s thru the late 80’s. He would throw glitter in the air, not dissimilar to Rip Taylor in looks and performance style.

Pancha Maestro

“Trans” is so great. I love pissing my garagey 60s purist friends off by insisting the Trans version of “Mr Soul” is superior to the Buffalo Springfield version.