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Hey, thanks for hanging in there. The show is still on ice for a bit while I navigate personal and professional stuff. But it's coming back soon. I will provide more info when I have it, and I will figure it out as quickly as humanly possible. 

I have been donating the Patreon money to charities for the month of July. I will provide a list of the organizations in a couple days; I have been waiting to find a solid charity that can help people who are getting evicted from their homes due to Covid-related joblessness and I think I found one that comes highly recommended. 

I hope you are all safe and hanging in there. I have been doing DOUBLE THREAT with Julie Klausner in the meantime. When I am back you will be living in a two-podcast family with The Best Show and Double Threat. The bonus shows will also resume. This mission will be completed, it means the world to me and I am gonna see it all through. 

The kind words and consideration is very much appreciated. This isn't an easy time for me on a few levels but I'm doing what I can like the rest of us. Let's all stay strong and take care of each other while we try to get through this weird nightmarish version of the world.



Claire Duffy

I am late. MUCH LOVE!

Andrew Croop

Hey Dudio / Tom - don’t buy from musicians friend - go to Sweetwater- they will take great care of you!