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This build marks a great milestone for Femmegeddon, the introduction of our first enemy, City Soldiers.

Unlike regular civilians, these pesky soldiers are seeking you out and trying to take you down. Don't worry, their weapons barely tickle our goddesses, but in sheer numbers, the damage will build up. If left uncheck, the giantess will fall.

Speaking of, this marks the second milestone, a Game over state!

Why is this important?

1. There is finally an outcome that can happen in game. We still don't have a win state, but we have a spectacular losing state!

Just look at how the giantess annihilates entire city blocks when collapsing. 

2. Replay-ability! Now that we have a losing state, players can either restart once they lose or go back to the main menu.

To track your health, I added a nifty health bar at the bottom left of the screen.

Its represented as a woman and starts out fully red, but will decrease upon damage taken. Once completely depleted, the giantess will fall.

Don't worry, you aren't a sitting duck. Devouring civilians and soldiers will replenish your health.

The amount of damage taken vs health received depends on the enemy and will be reworked when newer enemies are added to the game.

Another feature I added is a markup on the left side of the health bar. This gives feedback on the size of the goddess.

Its in meters right now, but I intend to add an option to convert it to "ft" for you non-metric system lovers.

Finally, I added a new debug option to disable the makeup on your giantess.

Press the "5" key to see your goddess in her natural complexion. 

But be warned, Violet will show no mercy if you remove her punk rock makeup :)

Enough chit chat, now go squish some soldiers!



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