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Cortex Inc was to blame. Our Mother earth Gaia was in peril, our very way of life being burned away as they ground up the rolling hills into an open wound, deep mine pits devoid of life and bereft of natural value. The complete upheaval of entire ecosystems for the sake of profit, sucking the energy from her, substituting it with famine and disease. The Sickness of our planet, ignored by the increased values of their market shares. Passionate hate would be too small an expression for what I felt for them. Sometimes, I daydreamed of Gaia’s revenge, a titan like being over them, with heels large enough to smash down on their entire existence, their machines barely a dust mite between the folds of her sole.

This fixation followed me in my dreams. The first few times it happened was a blur, and I found myself unaware of what had transpired. My eyes opened, my breathing quickened and my moment of meditation ended. I passed a finger through my bright red locks, combing them manually and rose up. My pastel green nightgown aired up as I dragged my lanky bare feet to the kitchen sink. I tried to remember. What was it that I saw? Where had I gone? It seems my memories, once previously vivid, were now a blur. Words reached my ear from the living room’s television; of Cortex Inc, and a recent calamity that had befallen them.

When I saw the images, I was incredulous: the nearby regional administrative center, just out of road 47 near the local forest reserve, had been completely destroyed. The entire building and surrounding heavy vehicles were now inside a deep crater, seemingly -pressed-in the soil. Remnants of hired mercenaries splattered across the landscape. The helicopter filming the scene rose higher and the crater took the horrific shape of a sole. A sudden flash, a sudden pain and I curled up. I remember my consciousness leaving me and subsequently awakening deep inside the soil of the earth. I remember struggling for survival as heavy rocks, clumped dirt and other debris had me buried underground. I dug up and rose, my naked body covered in all sorts of earthly debris. I brought my hands in front of me, only to see they were not mine: these were strong, sturdy and feminine. My arms, unlike my usual skinny, frail self, were cut with strength. I looked down and right there, in between two strong, large feet, stood tiny, microscopic even, people. I suddenly recognized the forest I was in, and the nearby Cortex Inc administrative center. Rage filled me. These were at once my thoughts and hers. It was without hesitation that I brought down my sole on the structure, trampling all under the strongest of calves, with a power that shook the earth to its foundation.

Since then, I’ve become her every time I sleep. I’ve done my best since then, to stir the titan’s mind, bending their will to mine, by any means necessary. Using her power, I’ve forced humanity to submit back to nature, back to a greedless, oil-less society. All who opposed me, I’ve dealt with. Many have been grinded beneath my feet to serve as nourishment to the soil they previously exploited, while others are treated as livestock for my own nourishment. A devoted vegan turned merely by the satisfaction of consuming those who have consumed countless of Gaia’s innocent creatures. Vindication at last. Those that once saw life itself as an object to conquer, dominate and exploit for their own profit found themselves put in the self-same position: existing only to be objectified, dominated, and exploited for the betterment of nature. As she wakes, she transforms nature. As she rests, she demands care. People have climbed her soles, the deep crack of her muscular behind, or even amidst the forest of her pubic region, constantly seeking the god’s approval, mining away, removing any impurity of the earth or otherwise. Ever she gathers strength. I close my eyes, sleep takes me, and once again, will wake as her. She is a force of nature.



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