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"I was born nameless, cold and alone in a ruined hospital of the metropolis. The Dark shift made new life an abomination, a -thing- to be reviled. I and many others were thus left to fend for ourselves from the very moment we breathed air. If only my parents had found the courage to spare me this unforgiving existence.

The world had collapsed into madness, and disorder followed suit. I was left stateless, the streets became my home. From the moment I was born, I knew this would be my lot. Society had shown its true colors to me from the very start.

The street was cruel and unforgiving. My childhood was one of hunger and loneliness. I was preyed upon, robbed, and beaten for scraps. These early years placed a strong shell around my heart, my day to day having made it necessary.

By the time I was an adult, I had separated myself from my inferiors: the weak would be trampled, the rich would be robbed and the fool tricked. Bit by bit, I took pleasure in my actions, whether it was stepping on weaklings' necks or listening as others begged for their lives, showering me with wealth. The thrill of torment and humiliation provided me with constant euphoric bliss.

This was not sadism. This was not violence. This was chaos.

I am a product of this new world, and I would be its end.."



efreitor Sroul

Would be nice if high heels would have additional effects on stomping.


Awesome story and character development bud, keep 'em coming!