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Howdy ya'll!

Thought I would give you guys an update in case you thought I got smooshed by a giantess. Alas, the reason behind the lack of builds was due to a surgical recovery.

However, this doesn't mean I haven't been working behind the scenes!

Engine update:

This month Epic released an early access version of UE5. They showcased breakthrough systems that would bring Femmegeddon to greater heights. I've migrated my project over to UE5 to play around with it, and of course encountered many many crashes 🌈. 

I will continue messing around with it to both familiarize myself with the engine and hopefully get a running build on there.

Gameplay update:

I've been experimenting with solutions for city destruction. Right now, I am using the outdated destructible method released in UE4. The result looked great, but has some limitation, mainly a performance hit when attempting a larger number of simulated destruction. 

One solution I had was to swap to an animated simulation when the giantess gets too big. This will allow the player to simulate a lot of destruction without actually calculating them.

I will also experiment on UE5 since it has an entirely new physics system which has dedicated resources for destruction. In the meantime, I will try and push out a build with UE4s solution to get feedback from you all! 

Game design update:

I am working on a Game Design Document to get a better grasp on the scope of Femmegeddon and to allow you peeps to get a better sense of mechanics, lore, character, art, sound etc...

I'm tampering with different platforms to see which is the best to share with the Patreons.

Stay tuned for a back story of one of our characters!



I hope your recovery is going well, don't push yourself too hard. 🤘


Thank you for the update! Hope the recovery goes smoothly. I bet it would be AMAZING to really harness the power of UE5 for this game. The ideas run wild.....


Recover well bud, and cxan't wait to see the news!