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Just a friendly neighborhood belly artist heads up. I’ll be making some changes to my Patreon over the next two months. These things if done right should NOT effect you. If they do.


I’m sure I’ll be able to fix it.

Meanwhile these are changes I’ve been meaning to roll out for some time. The first one comes at the end of November and might be the trickiest. I’m switching to the new upfront payment system for Patreon. This should help keep my studio running.

Second, and only if its ready, I’m adding another tier for non belly comics. I have some stories that I’ve been sitting on that are non-belly centric stories. It may be a bad idea, but I want to try doing both without sacrificing either. We shall see.

Thanks for reading folks

And I’ll keep writing.


Viro Veteruscy

Thanks for keeping us informed. Just let us know what happens when you figure out the other tier :3