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Does anybody here have any of the Bridgette's Belly physical books?

If so are you missing issues?


Chris Kalin

I've got a few, I'll check which ones when I get home. It's not a complete set, but I'm actually going to be divesting myself of virtually all of my comics, so if anything I can offer them up to someone who wants to backfill their set.


actually see if a place like a used book store will take them. I'm curious about a chain like Half Price Books and weather they'd take books without an ISBN.

Chris Kalin

Nah, I don't want to drive to one just for them to offer me $1. That's why I said I'd be happy to sell them specifically to someone who needs to backfill. Otherwise they're going to be sold as part of the whole lot, but I'm not done getting all of them together yet. Some of my collection is still living at my parents' house from 2 1/2 decades ago. Which is part of the reason the collection is leaving in the first place.

Chris Kalin

And you're probably right, since they don't have ISBNs Half Price wouldn't have them in their system to even make an offer.


I only have the first one. Wish I’d jumped on that giant-pile-of-books-for-$50 deal from a couple Christmases ago.


I have up to volume #10. 1 to 6 are an older print I think? I don't remember when I got them I just know they're a little different from 7 to 10. And after going through them I was reminded of the picture and little thank you thing you put at the back of volumes 7 and 8 and got all fuzzy inside ^w^ thanks for that if I hadn't said so in the past