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I have a ton of things planned, some of them for 2020.

Item #1

I want to get more people interested in "Her Tiger Pajama's".  I'm not that good at social media marketing, small talk is something I have trouble with. Case in point: Discord. I would like to repost the older pages from HTP in Black & White on Tiger Thighs, Instigram, dev-art, twitter, and Furraffinity. It would be a weekly post, low res and in black & white. Patreon supporters would still get the comic in full color and two years before anyone else, plus request status.

Item #2

I mentioned Discord a minute ago, yeah that. What about a scheduled Discord chat either weekly, or such? I don't have a ton of time to just pop in randomly to chat. A scheduled time might see more use. Maybe?

Item #3

Not all of my comics are going to be "Belly Centric". I'm thinking of adding a tier for Other genre's of comics. Namely a project I hope to start working on this year. AND future projects that are non-romance and a little more serious.

Item #4

NSFW comics and art. I'm hoping to start doing NSFW Comics this year. Some of you have seen my fledgling attempts at NSFW content. Would a series of comics be out of the question? 

and Finally

Item #5

I would like to nix the  $1.00 Tier. It's the least popular and seldom used. All the action starts at the $3 level anyway.

Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below.

Here's to a better New Year



#1 No issues with this, most artists use Patreon as 'see stuff before others' anyhow. #2 If it's just once a week you could might as well just do a weekly stream for few hours to chat with people? Doesn't have to be drawing stream necessarily though, just have a topical drawing up. #3 I love the belly stuff but definitely fine with branching to other stuffs. #4 And I'm definitely interested in NSFW comics, expansion/inflation themed especially. :3 #5 I don't really see problem with that although generally could just keep it as 'thanks for supporting' tier if people just wanna chip in without particular reward. Good new years to all.

Ben Helsman (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-30 20:42:42 I'm surprised you hadn't reposted the comic sooner. Honestly, keep the colors. I love B&W comics but I understand why a broader audience would dismiss it immediately. And you'll want to cast a wide net as far as hashtags and keywords are concerned. Don't be afraid to reach out to similar artists you haven't met yet. One big name gives you a retweet and you quadrupedal your following. No opinion on the Discord. Used to be on WISWRP. Never really took to the whole online community thing. Not gonna lie, your core audience is pretty niche. If you stopped doing cute preggo romance pieces you could lose a ton of people. Believe it or not you have a brand to maintain. Branch out if the mood strikes you by all means but don't forget to tend to your roots. If you wanna do something like Toc-Tic again consider dialing things back and explore your characters more. Action will only take you so far in a sequential medium. NSFW comics are a lot of artists bread & butter. It's a no brainer. Your pledges may fluctuate during the release but everyone eventually needs to see the story get finished so if they pledge $10 once you're almost guaranteed one more $10 pledge. I've seen people hound artists for years to get something finished. $1.00 Tier is basically "Hey, I'm not too invested but I admire that you keep doing what you're doing." It might not be popular but it's some change in your hat. I don't see any drawback to keeping it.
2019-12-30 01:47:10 I'm surprised you hadn't reposted the comic sooner. Honestly, keep the colors. I love B&W comics but I understand why a broader audience would dismiss it immediately. And you'll want to cast a wide net as far as hashtags and keywords are concerned. Don't be afraid to reach out to similar artists you haven't met yet. One big name gives you a retweet and you quadrupedal your following. No opinion on the Discord. Used to be on WISWRP. Never really took to the whole online community thing. Not gonna lie, your core audience is pretty niche. If you stopped doing cute preggo romance pieces you could lose a ton of people. Believe it or not you have a brand to maintain. Branch out if the mood strikes you by all means but don't forget to tend to your roots. If you wanna do something like Toc-Tic again consider dialing things back and explore your characters more. Action will only take you so far in a sequential medium. NSFW comics are a lot of artists bread & butter. It's a no brainer. Your pledges may fluctuate during the release but everyone eventually needs to see the story get finished so if they pledge $10 once you're almost guaranteed one more $10 pledge. I've seen people hound artists for years to get something finished. $1.00 Tier is basically "Hey, I'm not too invested but I admire that you keep doing what you're doing." It might not be popular but it's some change in your hat. I don't see any drawback to keeping it.

I'm surprised you hadn't reposted the comic sooner. Honestly, keep the colors. I love B&W comics but I understand why a broader audience would dismiss it immediately. And you'll want to cast a wide net as far as hashtags and keywords are concerned. Don't be afraid to reach out to similar artists you haven't met yet. One big name gives you a retweet and you quadrupedal your following. No opinion on the Discord. Used to be on WISWRP. Never really took to the whole online community thing. Not gonna lie, your core audience is pretty niche. If you stopped doing cute preggo romance pieces you could lose a ton of people. Believe it or not you have a brand to maintain. Branch out if the mood strikes you by all means but don't forget to tend to your roots. If you wanna do something like Toc-Tic again consider dialing things back and explore your characters more. Action will only take you so far in a sequential medium. NSFW comics are a lot of artists bread & butter. It's a no brainer. Your pledges may fluctuate during the release but everyone eventually needs to see the story get finished so if they pledge $10 once you're almost guaranteed one more $10 pledge. I've seen people hound artists for years to get something finished. $1.00 Tier is basically "Hey, I'm not too invested but I admire that you keep doing what you're doing." It might not be popular but it's some change in your hat. I don't see any drawback to keeping it.

tigerthighs (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-30 20:42:42 The non-belly comics would be in addition to the belly stuff. I know who butter's my toast. ==:> )
2020-01-01 02:55:39 The non-belly comics would be in addition to the belly stuff. I know who butter's my toast. ==:> )

The non-belly comics would be in addition to the belly stuff. I know who butter's my toast. ==:> )


I think a lot of the changes you're wanting to do for the new year are good ideas overall, especially when it comes to sharing the older pages of "Her Tiger's Pajamas". And like what the other commenters said, most people use Patreon as a "see content before anyone else" kinda thing, so showing the much older pages to the general public, while keeping the newer stuff on Patreon should work pretty well. :) The only thing I have issue with would be getting rid of the $1 tier; granted it may not be super popular for your particular Patreon, but I'm of the mindset "every little bit helps". So yeah, it you're not really doing anything with the $1 tier, then at the very least you should keep it as a tip jar. That way, if someone wants to show their support but can't really afford the $3 tier, then at least you'll still get another $1 every month. =p