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I hope you all are having happy holidays!  Getting in the holiday spirit I'm sharing the donation art for December about a week early here for you all!  I'll post it as usual on Gumroad at the end of the month for direct purchase if you didn't get it here, BUT - here you are! 

Thanks for the suggestion of the Yule Cat - I had fun looking it up, it's mythos, and making a story to play  on it!

As Usual, feel free to toss suggestions in the comments for future donation art ideas!
Disclaimer that suggestions may be tweaked (as these are requests and not commissions), and there is no guarantee I will use all suggestions, but this is a perk of your patreon level and I will consider all suggestions, and keep a list of them!



Matt R

I just came up with one more idea: the twin sister of this gal from Myth 2 https://arania.kamiki.net/TF/unicornfm01.jpg finding a similar book, but ends up a voluptuous anthro unicorn woman


I forgot to add the downloadable zip file! It's been added in!