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Alll rightie!  I know last poll I posted ya'll voted you prefer I keep reaching out to a random patron to choose what I do for the free  10 page, single character, full pages(no comics), no backgrounds or furniture/big props TF Special each month, BUT I never heard back in the allotted week from this month's lucky person, SO!

I'll continue to reach out to random patrons in the upcoming months from Oct - Dec this year, but this month I'm going to do one of the other options as a back-up!

SO!  This month: I am going to have anyone who would like a shot who has not already gotten a free TF Special to post in the responses your sequence idea by filling out this form!

I feel that this will be a hard way to do a poll since each option will be a paragraph-sized option - so for this month, I will number them off to randomzie which one to do.  I will Edit this post after it closes and respond to the post to let ya'll know which one I'll do this month.

you have until Saturday Sept 17 at 5pm CST to post!

1. Starting character: up to a 6 word description of the character
2.  Ending Gender
3. Transformation Trigger/scenario (can be a longer blurb)
4. Willing or Unwilling Transformation / up to 3 word reaction to the change
5. Safe for Work or Nudity or Sexual Content
6. Anthro, Were/Monstrous bipedal, Normal Nonmorphic animal, or Dire/Monstrous animal
7. What Creature they Become

  • It can be a real or fantasy animal, but it has to be something I can google.  If it's a fantasy animal, the specific design/interpretation is up to me.
    NO REFERENCE IMAGES ALLOWED.  No fursona designs, no specific combinations of different animals.

UPDATE: we have a winner!

I just used randomizer.org to generate a number between 1 and 30: 23!  Congrats to rgdagk12!



1. Female gamer 2. Herm 3. A continuation of the events of Captain N, she is pulled into Videoland world via the Ultimate Warp Zone in her TV by Mother Brain to serve as a minion against Captain N and his team. 4. Unwilling 5. Sexual Content 6. Were/Monstrous bipedal 7. Red Moblin


I just used randomizer.org to generate a number between 1 and 30: 23! Congrats to rgdagk12!