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Hiyo everyone!  BIG scanning day - over 60 pages I've been working on scanning and writing/adding dialog to - including  BIG batches and updates on Cabin in the Woods and Captured Barn!

And here we have the new pages for Captured Barn!

BUT!  I also have an interaction opportunity for you all: give me some ideas of what you want to see happen next in this story!

Help me Build-this-sequence ;)

I've drawn out my own specific ideas so far other than the characters eventually finishing their changes, but what all would you like to see?

Do you want Julia to join the two cowgirls from Captured Cattle?

Do you want her to follow the third hose to see where it goes?  Maybe there are new subjects who haven't changed yet?  Something else?  
What happens next with the trio of Chloe, Nat, and Ashley?

JULY 12 Update:

There's a lot of great and intriguing ideas being tossed here, and I'm totally up for this being a conversation we all have to develop the meta narrative! 

Based on the conversations so far:

I'm not sure if I want to commit to a third installment per se - but I'm totally up for developing the metaplot more in this installment, and we can always leave it at a cliffhanger if we decide to go that route.

I don't have a preconceived idea yet of the scientists' goals, or how they are triggering the initial transformations (although I do view it as being possible to spread through milk, etc).  So I'm open to suggestions for what their overarching goals are.  If they succeed or fail, etc.  I don't necessarily see this being a cheaper alternative to barnyard animals - as I don't see this being a "cost effective" alternative.
Do they succeed?  Do the subjects manage to escape and turn it on them?  Some third option?

I think at the very least, we're going to try to introduce new characters where the third hose leads: possibly just waking up and not transforming yet (the milking machine may have not dropped down yet.). 2-3 characters, 1 a pig, the other a barnyard animal we haven't done yet (eg: horse, alpaca, sheep, etc.  MAYBE a farm dog).   And I'd also like to link it up with the cow characters from Captured Cattle, even if it's kept to a minimum (ie, maybe Julia bypasses that room seeing it as no good can come of it, but maybe they get released at the end?  IDK!) 

Would people be interested in doing another auction to get a character in as a subject in room 3 like we did with Cabin in the Woods?




I think you made an error on the 9th image. And if not, then exactly how much of the next was spoken out loud?


I'm not sure what else could be done with those two cows. I'd go with the third hose. Maybe the cows can get involved later.