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So I've been sitting on this for literally a year now, but the series finale of HBO Max's Love & Death (Starring Elizabeth Olsen)  released today and I found out that my artwork DID make it into the final cut of the show!!

I was cast as the courtroom artist for the series, and you can spot me in the background (I'm sitting in the first row of the gallery on the Plaintiff's side) - and the entire two weeks where we filmed the last two episodes I was actively drawing and sketching the courtroom scenes - and the director did a close-up shot of me actually drawing and the shot made it into the show!

SO!  This counts as my portfolio project for this month, but I can finally share with you all ALL of the artwork I did for the show, as well as the shot used in the episode!  This is from the final episode 7 "Shhh".

The First image is a screen cap of the episode.  The second is a screen cap of me in the show, and then the rest are my photos and scans of the artwork I did while working on the show!

And lol - spoiler warning for the shop




So awesome to read this! I am so happy for you!