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Annnnd one more update before the update (which will probably be tomorrow evening):  This one hits a lot of favorite buttons: Lesson series AND Dinosaurs...
The T-rex lesson!





https://www.science.org/content/article/t-rex-lips-new-study-suggests Feathers, Lips, Bright Colors, active scientific debates, dinos are such a wonderful blend of both fantasy and reality.


Oh wow, that's a super recent article, and really interesting! That's fascinating using the thickness of the exterior tooth anatomy to determine whether or not it was protected by lips!

Christopher Zammit

Awesome :D I was just looking at ur work list and I noticed ‘Red Panda Zoo Lesson’ listed. Is that gonna be a crossover between the lessons series and new zoo?


Yeah, I'm also wondering how the Female Wolf Lesson will be different from the Male Wolf Lesson, besides the obvious.


Christopher: It takes place at a zoo, but it's not the same one from the New Zoo :). It's a sequence that explores some of the more real world applications of a world where there are TF serums exist. While it is a fun concept, I don't really see "New Zoo" and "Lesson" sequences in the same 'universe' because the reactions to transforming are so different/people in the New Zoo don't realize that's a thing that can happen.