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Hi Everyone!

I had an amazing time this last week celebration my 10 year wedding anniversary (and my wife and I have now been officially a couple for 20 years) / housewarming where we had both our parents and close friends come up and visit - it was an amazing stay-cation, and I really feel like I had a vacation.  It was great being able to share our new home with our blood and found family <3

That being said!  I have one friend who's staying till Sunday (awesome) - AND my wife just tested positive for COVID (much much less awesome).  So far, she's doing all right - she thought it was allergies for a few days until she couldn't taste food today.  I tested negative, but I don't expect it to stay that way.  We had both managed to avoid getting COVID until now - so ... yay.

Basic plans at this point is for me to do scanning my current art pile (about 50 pages) and do the website update on Friday (March 31).  So expect that to come later in the evening as it will take me a while to scan before I start working on the update.  But everything has an asterick right now because of the above COVID test.

In the meantime: Enjoy this sneak peek at one of my new sequences, a Serena to male Zebrastrika pokemon TF!




Congratulations on your anniversary. Sorry about the COVID, but assuming you're both vaccinated, it'll hopefully be a mild case.

Cohasset Alicorn

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and with how long you two have been together. Hopefully it will just be a mild case of Covid for your wife and for you and your friend if you both also get it, and everyone will recover quickly.


I hope she recovers soon and you remain safe. My grandfather tested positive yesterday, so I can't visit him and my grandmother today. I really hope that he recovers soon, his health is not the best given his age. But my friend Flo assured me it will pass.


Thank you - yeah, we're both fully vaccinated and boosted so here's hoping! <3


Thank you so much. Here's hoping - we're taking precautious and taking it a bit easy - it was a great week aside from the whole Covid thing lol

arania (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-30 17:47:58 Thank you, Drogoth - and I wish the best for your grandparents as well. I hope that they all have mild, quick cases <3
2023-07-30 17:47:58 Thank you, Drogoth - and I wish the best for your grandparents as well. I hope that they all have mild, quick cases &lt;3
2023-03-30 19:18:30 Thank you, Drogoth - and I wish the best for your grandparents as well. I hope that they all have mild, quick cases <3

Thank you, Drogoth - and I wish the best for your grandparents as well. I hope that they all have mild, quick cases <3