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The winner of this month's free TF Special requested help from you all choosing what his character turns into!  Here's the sequence idea so far :  an installment in the Impulse Moon series!

1. Starting character: up to a 6 word description of the character

Sober Red Short-Layered( Hair) Music Loving Lass

2.  Ending Gender


3. Transformation Trigger/scenario

After spending a day at a music festival, a girl is dropped off outside a wooded trail (that takes her straight home) by her friends on a night the Impulse Moon is in the sky. Brushing the rumors surrounding it as made up stories, she soon finds out how true they are when after escaping from one of the changed animals, she starts to change moments later.

4. Willing or Unwilling Transformation / up to 3 word reaction to the change

Unwilling to Willing

5. Safe for Work or Nudity or Sexual Content

Sexual Content

6. Anthro, Were/Monstrous bipedal, Normal Nonmorphic animal, or Dire/Monstrous animal

Anthro (following the formula of the other tfs in the series)

7. What Creature they Become

One of the following: (Vote in the poll!)

I will leave the poll open until Thursday at noon (Jan 12), at which point I'll go with the winner.



The uplifted animal that causes the change, is it male or female?


Alrightie! By a very narrow margin, the saltwater crocodile has it!


It was a narrow margin. What would have happened if the deer and the crocodile tied?


Good question - I probably would have asked the winner of the slot and asked what he wanted to do: either pick from the two or have a run off.