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And now, the long-awaited AUCTION for a spot in the Cabin in the Woods: The Documentary sequence!

Auction Begins: NOW (As soon as this post is live)

AUCTION ENDS: Sunday January 8 at 5pm CST
(there is a 5 minute snipe guard.  Each bid made within 5 minutes of the end of the auction will extend the auction another 5 minutes).

Option 1: Make a response to this post with the amount you would like to bid

Option 2: Send me an email to araniaartist(at)gmail(dot)com with your bid amount and name you would like the bid to be associated with.

WINNER: $1525 by Master-TF
(UPDATED Jan 8 at 5:00 pm CST) - Snipe guard in place until 5:05
I will update the bids as I can, but I am doing so manually, so check the responses to this thread before you bid :)

Payment will be due to me (directly, not through Patreon)  within 1 week of the end of the auction or I will contact the next-highest bidder.
If you bid through a response to this post, I will contact you to discuss character details via the email you have on file with Patreon, as well as through the Patreon message system.

** Read the full rules and parameters for the new character in this POST HERE **
BUT, in a nutshell:

- the new character will not be worked in until after the end of the current scene in the story. (which MIGHT take a few months, depending on how quickly the sequence is funded).

- the winner's character will need to fit the setting (we can discuss details and make sure they fit in the interim between the win and the character is introduced)

- Auction amount does NOT apply towards credit on the comic. However, you will certainly be more than welcome to contribute to the story as normal.  BUT you will get ONE FREE CHARACTER DESIGN SKETCH of their human form with the auction win.





Thank you too! Congrats again and I'm looking forward to working with you!


I’ll be back lol.