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Thanks to a holiday sponsor by werewolf_hunter20, we're also going to do a Build-a-Sequence this month! :D

For those of you who haven't joined us for one of these before, I ask you all a series of directed questions and by the end of it, we've put together the plot for a stand-alone sequence that I draw!

I'll post each question, then pick 3-5 (depending on the number of suggestions) of the ones that speak to me the most, and then make a poll of those for you all to vote on which one to do.

So without further ado, let's kick this off with our first WRITE-IN QUESTION:

who (or what) is our starting subject?
(ie, the character "before" the TF.)

Your suggestion can include physical description of the character and/or profession, but not the scenario or current predicament.  

You can suggestion anything from a (18yo+) character from media to a name/brief description of an original character.

- no real people.  (( ie you can suggest Black Widow, but not Scarlett Johansson)).

- one suggestion per person per round

- PLEASE Keep your responses to  140 characters.  That's the maximum number of characters I can put in a poll option.

((Future questions will ask what they turn into, or the scenario, etc!))

I'll leave this poll open until SATURDAY DECEMBER 10 at 5PM CST



A dark-haired, haughty princess.


A cruel and vindictive goddess who believes that all should bow before her in worship - dealing harsh punishments to those who dissent.