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This post is just for the full info and rules for the Cabin in the Woods new Character.

You are welcome to post any questions or comments you have to this post.

  • The winner's character will not be worked in until after the end of the current scene in the story. we can use the interim to discuss the character & work out details
  • Comes with one free character design sketch (human form)
  • There is no guarantee on number of pages the character will appear on, or how much longer CiTW2 will run, but I expect it will run for at LEAST another 50 pages.

    • Normal humans, no magic, no powers, real-world setting
    • Can be based on you IRL or an original character
    • Subject to approval by me: must fit in with the setting. I will work with the winner to make sure the character fits with the setting, but in the event of the free raffle, if we reach an impasse, I reserve the right to pick a new winner.
    • Winner can pick the character name, appearance, clothing
    • Winner gets to pick the animal
      • Must be a non-extinct, non-mythical, real-world animal
      • You can specify a particular breed/color phase/subspecies
      • Your character will completely become a nonmorphic, herm animal
    • Winner can give me a list of 5 personality traits
    • Winner can give me an outfit to start in, but I might change it up as the sequence goes as they change, especially if it is a complex outfit
    • If you have a signature accessory/etc that you want to remain for a while, you can let me know
    • Complex tattoos will either not be shown or drastically simplified
    • Winner can pick basic reactions of the character – but if the change is willing, then the transformation WILL go faster by the setting mythos
    • Once I get the info, I will run with it – scenes, etc will be up to me.  I will NOT confer with the character owner for every decision - I am the “writer” of the story
    • This is NOT a commission, you can send in some suggestions for scene ideas, but NO guarantee of which if any I will accept (ie the changes, the order, the interactions with other characters will ultimately be up to me and I don’t want the existing characters to act out of character, or to break the tone of the story
    • The character will likely have sexual encounters with both males and females (and intersex/herm characters)



Did you do this with the first cabin in the woods?


This is the first free raffle I've done. I did do an auction for one character at the beginning of part 2 (Jack). Part 1 was originally a commission.


I so wanna, but I'm far too much of a softy. Nonmorphic just ain't my cuppa. Any character I'd suggest might put people off or worse bore them.