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First off, thank you all again for your support - especially through my recent move - your support has made a world of difference for me and my wife, and I will be posting a special holiday thank you soon with a cool opportunity!

News Items

  1. The Website Update is Live!
  2. I will be holding an auction next month (begining with the End-Of-December Update), and running at least a week into January for the opportunity to add a character of the winner's choice into the Cabin in the Woods: The documentary story!  This would be one of two new arrivals to the Cabin and their character + 1 more will finish out this installment of Cabin in the Woods.  (The character will need to fit the setting, but if necessary, the winner's character be workshopped with me).  More details are pending, but in the meantime, pay attention to my Patreon for more information and another special opportunity!  I plan on having a special Holiday gift for my patrons in December!
  3. I was recently a guest on the Fullmoon Funtimes Podcast with BlondeUchida and Hexen 109!  Check out the interview here!  it was a lot of fun!
    BIG changes for for my wife and I!  We spent October moving over 900 miles from Texas to Illinois! However, we still have SO much unpacking and organizing to do.   We're also still waiting for everything to finalize back in TX even though we've completely moved out with waiting for our old home to sell - so that's stressful and has a LOT of money tied up in it as we try to balance two mortgages in the meantime.  SO yeah!  That's how that's going.

    What this (still) means for ya'll: Expect delays to my worklist - I've already restructured it to reflect the big unknowns and will keep it updated as I work.  I will be working on commissions at a slower than usual-for-Arania pace, and will not be reopening commissions until I'm more settled (And as usual, expect a notice at least a month in advance of when/how I'll reopen commissions).
  5. Donation artwork for November 2022: 
    "Tom Turkey Taur"
    Thanks Giving... Thanks Received. A man filled with the spirit of thankfulness is given a reward: transformed into a turkey-taur!
    Man -> Turkey Satyr-> Turky Centaur -> Turkey taur
    14 pages!
    Buy on Gumroad
  6. Crowdfunded Sequences -  Updates to Devil's Due!
  7. I want to give a Big Shout-Out of thanks to all my $15+ Patreon donators this month:
    Andrew D, Sora, Keowolf, LordE, Protectonot, werewolf_hunter20, Cowrara, GrafAlucard, Joshua W, Kaiser, killer095, Komodo Dave, Phoenix Mastrogiovanni, Scotty R, Shian Hi
    (If any of you would like to go by a different name, please let me know!)


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