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Hello everyone and Happy December!

The year's almost over and I sincerely hope that you all have had a good year.

Thank you all SO MUCH for your support this year - it's been a little rough in patches for me, but knowing I have a solid group of amazing people like you all supporting my work and helping me out has been absolutely invaluable.

Since it IS the Holiday season, like last year, I want to give back again and do another preiview ALL THE ART month!  [effectively, if we ever hit the $2000 reward threshold, it will be like this all the time :) ) 

 So for the Month of December, I will be posting all my new TF art as I complete it here on Patreon for everyone who pledges at least the $2 :)

ALSO we once again reached the $1000 reward threshold!!  So on Monday Dec 5 I will choose a new winner this month to receive a free 10 page TF specil!  

Let me also give a huge shout-out of thanks to all my $15+ donators this month:

Water, werewolf_hunter20, Mark G, Full Moon Master, , Johnny_Vulpine, KC, E T, Jonathan, Tanap, Xurnami, Robert, Andrew D, 

Enjoy the artwork!!!


Eric Ramont

Will that include the 2 jocks transformation piece I saw on your to do list?


Yup! Absolutely. I'm still working on it (it's a big sequence) but I'll post it after it's finished and scanned :)