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Thank you all once more for your continued support!  


As usual, if you have any questions you’d like me to answer in my next video, please leave a comment on this video!

What sequences would you guys like early previews to?
My upcoming workilst is here: http://arania.kamiki.net/commission/todo/





I totally feel what you're saying about the tail stretch! I'd so love that aching feeling and the relief of it finally aligning and moving on it's own!


Ah cool! I'm glad that my rambling about my thoughts on that made sense!

Elizabeth Armetta

I moved 300mi away last year to a new state to be with my fiancé. With the rabbit, my shrimp tank, and my rosy boa! And heirloom plants! Tempers flared, feelings got hurt, things got left behind last minute like my futon (we didn’t know it broke before the move)… I had to rehome my cat that was dumped on me when my roommate moved out and left her, which I didn’t plan on. I understand how hard these moves can be! You have all our support. I don’t blame you and your beloved for wanting out of Texas right now.


Thank you - yeah, it's going to be a Big Thing, definitely - and I can't say I'm not worried about the move itself, but doing as much fore planning as we can to hopefully deal with logistics of moving all the animals safely. I'm so sorry that it sounds like things were super rough for you - and hope you're doing better now -but yeah, getting out of Texas has definitely been an escalating priority and I'm glad we're making it happen.