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Hi Everyone!

Ive got the first sneak peek for you for September!  Up first is a full color 5-page comic that is a sequel to the older "Full" Sequence.

News-wise: My pending move is getting VERY real.  We have a move date, reserved movers, reserved a big truck, and it's looking like the actual move itself is going to begin Oct 2.  Expect me to be incommunicado for at least a week if anyone emails me.

Beyond that, I'm not sure how long it is going to take to get set up in the new place and get internet connected, etc.  So I'm not sure how productive art-wise I'll be in October (I'll probably be a neurotic mess until I'm at least mostly unpacked) and I'm not sure how big or when the end-of-October update will be.  

SO I should have the September update on time (Though it may be smaller than normal as I need to take days off here and there for more packing, prep, open houses, showings, etc).   It's exciting and anxiety provoking, so here's hoping it all goes as smoothly as possible!




So because of the move date can we expect the September update earlier than the 30th?


Is this the whole sequence or is there more? Sometimes it’s hard to tell.


There was a longer script, but the commissioner decided to commission excerpts from it that stood alone. If/when I get permission to do so, I'll post a link to the full script when I post the sequence on my site.