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Hi Everyone!  

It's been a busy month, both with moving prep (as things are looking I will probably be moving around the end of September or Begining of October - I'll keep ya'll posted if this affects the September update) and there is still so much to do!  Especially because we're going to be moving 900 miles @.@

BUT!  I just finished the update for this month, with over 100 new images despite everything going on!  

Here's the news items for the month!

Update August 30, 2022

  1. The Website Update is Live!
  2. BIG UPDATE ON PAYMENT LINKS!In an abundance of caution, I’m taking the donate buttons off of my page, at least for now (see this Twitter thread for the reason why).  All the same payment methods are still available if you email me, BUT I have also set up a Gumroad shop for ALL 15 years of my Donation Art Sequences, and also to contribute to my community funded sequences!  Each community funded sequence and donation art sequence has a direct link to the purchase link on Gumroad, but you can also visit my Gumroad page directly, which lets you search by keywords!

    Arania's Gumroad Shop
    BIG changes pending for my wife and I: we're in motion to move out of state and with that comes a HUGE Upheval to our lives, a TON to do, and a lot of expenses.  

    What this means for ya'll: Expect delays to my worklist - I've already restructured it to reflect the big unknowns and will keep it updated as I work.  This will probably mean setbacks of up to a few months from my original estimates.  I may not be able to update the site on exactly the end of the month every month during this next period, but I will try my best - but there are still a lot of unknowns: I don't have a moving date yet, I have a LOT of packing to do, arrangements with various services, etc etc etc.  And then, of course, once I DO move, setting up all the internet/utilities, unpacking, ETC.
  4. Moving Fundraisers!
    My wife, foxyfussings, has done some colored versions of past months' donation art sequences to help out with our upcoming move!
    Colored donation art sequence from June 2022: Clever Girl (Woman -> Feathered Raptor)

    Colored donation art sequence For July 2022: Jungle Fever (Woman -> Herm zebra satyr)

    For Nov 2011: Arctic Fox Shifter (Woman -> Anthro arctic fox)
  5. Because of the move, I am also still having a SALE on filled sketchbooks.  I have about 10 filled sketchbooks - all of them 100 pages of my originalartwork.  They are $50 each shipped in the US.    DETAILS HERE!
  6. I am also accepting half-off my price for my fursuit - the discount price is $500 + $150 shipping and insurance ($650 total)
    More information and photos are HERE.
  7. Donation artwork for August 2022:
    "Pachycephalosaurus: unlocked!" The same scientist from the April 2022 donation art tries her newfound skill again!
    Woman -> Anthro female Pachycephalosaurus (dinosaur)
    9 pages total
    Buy on Gumroad
  8. Crowdfunded Sequences -  Updates to Devil's Due, Cabin in the Woods, Equus, and Captured Barn!
  9. I want to give a Big Shout-Out of thanks to all my $15+ Patreon donators this month:
    Sora, Andrew D, Keowolf, LordE, werewolf_hunter20, anybee, Lenovopro4k, Cowrara, GrafAlucard, Joshua W, Kaiser, killer095, Komodo Dave, Scotty R, Shian Hi, WOW for life!
    (If any of you would like to go by a different name, please let me know!)


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