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Hi Everyone!

As I mentioned in the vlog yesterday, there was a very troubling thread on twitter that discusses p*yp*l cracking down and setting up bots to sweep websites that might have any adult content, so I have been working since I heard about that yesterday to remove any mentions to p*yp*l and removing all the buttons.

((haha, this is exactly what i wanted to deal with while also working towards a big out of state move  - BUT it's better to be preemptive with an abundance of caution than risk having my p*yp*l account suspended)). 

I've been careful in the past, with the donation art previews not containing nsfw content, and with the community funded sequences people are sending in contributions to continue publicly displayed sequences but not directly purchasing a product - but with bots sweeping a page, there's not a chance for nuance, and it's not worth the risk.

SO - I've been working all day today to make preview images and upload all 15 years of my donation art sequences (nearly 180 sequences x_x) individually to gumroad as an alternate purchase method.  I WILL still accept direct payment for sequences - but I won't be able to discuss that on the website.

I'm still in the progress of uploading the sequences to gumroad as I post this (taking a small break from it lol) - but I should have uploaded everything from years 1 - 12 at this point.  They are all up on my main gumroad page, and ALSO I am individually linking each individual sequence for purchase from their description on the donation art entries on my site HERE.  

If you decide to purchase a sequence through gumroad here in the next few days, if you could message me or post a comment here with feedback on how the system worked for you -I'd appreciate it!
I've purchased a few things from gumroad myself in the past but this is my first experience using the site to sell digital downloads.  

Of course I WILL still upload the current months' donation art sequences to Patreon as usual - this is for the back catalogue of sequences :)



On Gumroad


GMT Gaming

This may have bee talked about in the vlog, but - What about donations for credit for the crowdfunded sequences?


Thanks for asking - I'm exploring options at this point. I think I will be able to use gumroad for that as well, but I'll need to set up a few special listings / make some thank you images that people get with essentially a pay what you want purchase. For now, people are still welcome to send me payments directly , but I like having easy buttons on the site that make it more user friendly/don't require interaction on the part of contributors.

GMT Gaming

Perhaps you could leave 1 page unreleased and those that donate on gumroad for that specific sequence can get that unreleased page (that will be published on your website the following month) there. This also ensures every month has at least 1 page to keep the ball rolling on those(?)


That would involve having to change out the page/etc on a monthly basis and holding back art from being released here or on the site - BUT it's not a bad suggestion to encourage people to contribute to immediately get a little something for their contribution. Definitely something to consider! Though it wouldn't necessarily mean there's a new page every month if I haven't gotten contributions to draw a new one - it just means that there would be the most recent page held back on gumroad until a new page is paid for. Thanks for the idea!