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Hi Everyone,

So, things are still very much in the air right now, but I wanted to post an update to let you all know that things might be a little chaotic on my end shortly.

My wife and I recently made an offer on a place out of state, and I am both incredibly excited and incredibly nervous about that.  I love the place, but it's an enormous move and a hell of a lot of logistics if this goes through.  

I love Texas, especially Austin where I have been living for the last ten years, but between skyrocketing pricing in Austin, worse and worse weather, dubious infrastructure, red state politics, and ... a lot more, it's a decision we've not come to lightly. 

So, nothing set in stone JUST YET, but it's really looking like we may be moving within the next couple of months if things go smoothly.  If that's the case, expect a massive disruption in my workflow, and probably a month or two setback of my worklist.  I hate doing that, but my brain is already exploding with the logistics of packing up and moving out of state.  

So... yeah!  Thank you all again for your continued support - I love doing TF art, and I have no intentions of stopping any time soon - I'll just probably be doing it from a different location <3 


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