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Another awesome gift to the community from werewolf_hunter20  he has sponsored the difference to reach my patreon reward level to do another Build-a-sequence!  So I'm really excited to see what we'll make this month!

I'm going to do it in the same process as last time (since the poll seemed to indicate it was ya'll preference, too, and it was fun sharing the input in an interactive format for me, too!)

So!  I'll post each question, then pick 3-5 (depending on the number of suggestions) of the ones that speak to me the most, and then make a poll of those for you all to vote on which one to do.

So without further ado, let's kick this off with our first WRITE-IN QUESTION:

who (or what) is our starting subject?
(ie, the character "before" the TF.)

Your suggestion can include physical description of the character and/or profession, but not the scenario or current predicament.  

You can suggestion anything from a (18yo+) character from media to a name/brief description of an original character.

- no real people.  (( ie you can suggest Black Widow, but not Scarlett Johansson)).

- one suggestion per person per round

- PLEASE Keep your responses to  140 characters.  That's the maximum number of characters I can put in a poll option.

((Future questions will ask what they turn into, or the scenario, etc!))

I'll leave this poll open until WEDNESDAY JULY 6 at 2PM CST


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