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This sequence is already sounding like a TON of fun!  You guys gave me a lot of great suggestions for details for the sequence in the last question and I've got a notes document going I'll post after this so you all can see how it's shaping up so far!  

Describe our main character!  Can include hair/body type/ethnicity/name/clothing (as long as it's something you could train/box in), etc!  

You have until Friday at noon CST to write in your suggestions!

there's still room for more suggestions for details  for the TF Sequence in the PREVIOUS POST  - I'll go ahead and leave that open for suggestions until I get started on the sequence (which should be Monday the 27th).

I'm posting what I have for the sequence so far below, so you can see where there's room for more suggestions.  I took MOST of the suggestions from the previous post so far, and have added a bit of my own to the opening scenario that incorporates some of the tone of the other suggestions. 

No promises that I'll take any more or not, I have enough to do a sequence on already for sure, but there's definitely room for more ideas:



Spunky young female boxer in training determined to make an impact

Turns Into:

Female Buff anthro kangaroo


Her rival puts a spell on her, hoping she would be disqualified from the tournament.

Extra details:

SET UP (comic page opening?)

(She’s warming up at the studio before the match, working a punching bag?)

Cut to the rival, with an object/spellbook (or drops in her water bottle?) - casting it on her - something about bringing out her inner animal: perhaps expecting it to be like losing control of her emotions, either disqualifying her or making her erratic in the match - not expecting it to be literal.

Specific animal form wasn’t part of the spell - but the Kangaroo is her spirit animal, which is why that form is taken


Pouch forming close up

+ I'd like to see a part where she pulls open her pouch, giving a good view of her new pouch teats. I feel like those are usually overlooked when it comes to kangaroos.

Starts off with shock but then realizes how strong she is and how springy her tail is.

I’d so love a sequence showing her thick tail pushing down her spandex shorts and then her sitting on it like a chair :)

Next to last (single character, TF complete, full image)

And as a follow up, it could be like an airbud movie scenario, “well there isn’t a rule against a kangaroo lady boxing, as long as she can follow the other rules of the match!

Final Image (Single char, from the POV of the Rival)

final image could be the boxer in an action position possibly about to or is throwing a punch at her rival as "thanks" for placing the spell on her. I would imagine though that this would mean the rival would not be prepared for what the spell was going to do and/or especially the boxer's reaction



I’m thinking ponytail


The name 'Rico' has been stuck in my head ever since I saw that the boxer character was winning the poll. Haven't thought of a last name yet.


Rico Rochester? *Years after her transformation.* "And in this corner... Defending her title for the 12th. Consecutive. Time... The Roo-ish Ruiner!... RICOOO! ROCHESTERRR!" Sounds pretty good to me.


I mostly picture her as either Hispanic or black. Can't decide which to choose. Mixed race maybe? Well toned, built mostly for speed, but not weak. Small breasts, but not quite flat chested. They might grow a bit during the transformation.


In regards to the 'air bud' scenario: There may not be a rule that says a kangaroo lady can't fight, But... Her new form *would* break *other* rules. Her tail gives her an unfair advantage - Letting her dodge a punch by falling back onto her tail and then using it to instantly bounce back with a super charged punch of her own. If any other fighter tried that, they would fall flat on their ass. Or at least be knocked off balance. In addition to that - With all that new muscle / tail growth - She likely doesn't even fit into the same weight bracket anymore. Realistically, she should be disqualified. There's no way they'd let her fight without some sort of shenanigans involved. So... To do this... We must create shenanigans... A simple way to do this is to have the rival overlook something. A caveat in the spellbook that says any spell cast in malice will be punished. In this case, the spell could be altering the judgement of the event organizers to ensure the rival gets her comeuppance.


This is shaping up to be a great sequences! According to boxing rules,, you fight in the weight category based on what you are at weigh-in - you can then put weight back on until the match. So she's good for that, but would then be in a higher weight category for future matches. " People who weigh over 200 lbs, (I think that's the minimum weight limit for most of the pro boxing organizations) are free to get as heavy as they want. "


Learned something new today. Though this feels like something I've learned before and promptly forgot about... Still, considering how drastic the change is, I imagine they would likely still have a rigorous discussion on the topic. The rules weren't written to accommodate this sort of thing. Then there's the advantage her tail gives her. They would still need to make a decision about that. Anyway, It's not that important. This is just how my brain works. It tends to flesh things out down to the smallest details. Even when it's not really necessary.


Yeah, I like to have my sequences have internal consistency, and make sense in general - but if you get down tooooo much into the nitty gritty you can get frozen with difficulties or wind up or finding minor caveats that wind up interfering with what you want to do with the story. Worst case, go with a more playful tone/play up puns, etc


Trust me, I Know what you mean. It's one of the reasons I've been so adamant about how you can pick and choose / make changes to / ignore my ideas. I know it can be too much. I'm on the autistic spectrum. Nitty gritty is just what my mind does. *ALL THE TIME!* And yeah, I *do* get frozen a lot. Especially when combined with some my other quirks / issues. This is probably just my anxiety speaking... But I hope you don't find the amount I've been writing to be too... overbearing. I've said before that I don't like writing. And It's simply because It's really hard for me. I have difficulty trying to articulate my thoughts in a way that adequately conveys them to other people. Especially, in text form. So I usually try to avoid writing whenever possible. There aren't many things that get me enthusiastic enough to write this much by my own volition. Or enthusiastic enough to push past my social anxiety and actually post what I wrote. Your work - And these Create-a-Sequences - have managed to do both. I've just been having fun throwing down ideas. Even ones that I know won't likely make the cut. I've been having fun... WRITING. And believe me... That's Incredible.


I get it - while I'm not autistic, I'm also not neurotypical, and I know that a lot of mental issues can come with a grab bag of symptoms that overlap with a variety of diagnoses. So when I get really into something, I can get pretty far into the reeds as far as detailing, and sometimes someone else has to reel me in for me to realize I'm micromanaging or overcomplicating something. And no - it's all good - especially since you have given the caveat/disclaimer up front to take or leave as much of your ideas as suits me. That's helped a lot with my own anxiety of taking some and leaving some - and there are definitely some great ideas that I've incorporated into the sequences :) But seriously, I'm SO happy that these have been inspiring you to write when you've gotten frozen over it in the past. Encouraging other people to be creative and create brings me such joy <3


Thank you for the confirmation. I know that these types of anxious thoughts are usually irrational - but that doesn't stop them from sticking in the back of my mind. The momentary embarrassment of bringing it up is worth it for the relief of knowing for sure that I'm not overstepping. I'm glad that my caveat has helped alleviate some of your own anxiety. That's another reason that I include it. I don't want to cause undue stress. These create-a-sequences are supposed to be fun for everyone - Including you. Just know that - for my ideas - that caveat will always be in place. You've always seemed like a lovely person to me, Arania. This interaction has only helped reinforce that perception. I hope you, your family, and your pets have been having a good holiday season. And I wish you all the best for the upcoming new year.


Absolutely - and trust me, I understand irrational thoughts and anxieties. Sometimes the best way is to just address it out in the open, even if the anxiety can make that difficult to do. And exactly - these community create a sequences are definitely meant to be fun for everyone, and I really hope they continue to be. I know you can't please everyone all the time, even if I try lol. And thank you - that's such a lovely sentiment! I wish you and yours all the best this season as well!