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Hi Everyone!

I wanted to send you all a HUGE thank-you for helping me along this last month, despite how busy things were for me, for reaching my $1k goal.  

This is a HUGE milestone, and I can't express enough how helpful this is for me, as well as how happy I am that I can share the reward with you all :3

  What this means is in a few days, after I allow for some still-pending payments to process, I will be selecting someone for a free TF Special!  

I'll send them a message through Patreon as well as an email, and they can pick what I do - and of course, when the sequence is done I'll also share it here on Patreon :)

 Let me also give a HUGE thank-you shout out to my $15+ contributors this month:


Water, Kairo, Mark G, Full Moon Master, Johnny_Vulpine, KC, E T, Jonathan, Xurnami, Dax, Robert, Night, Andrew D, werewolf_hunter20, Allyson