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Okay, we've got the who and the what, time to figure out the why!

So far, our sequence is: Spunky young female boxer in training determined to make an impact transforms into Female Buff anthro kangaroo

There were some great suggestions for the trigger!  I chose some of them, and now it's up to you all to vote on your favorite(s)!

You have until Saturday at 8pm CST to vote!  

For the 2nd one, see Ian's comment on the previous post for the full description, and for the 4th one, see DTMMP's post



Idea three certainly sets itself up for a sequel where they let the new roo fight anyway and her fighting causes the spell to jump to the opponent who put the spell on her in the first place. Leading to actually a fair fight that makes a lot of money, so they both become stars :P


Note: I will be late posting the next question: got invited to the FTWD wrap party last minute ^.^